

I’m not someone who gets immensely excited by tinkering with rulesets or building army lists. I prefer rules that offer a lot of narrative potential, are easy-to-learn and pick-up, and offer a lot of creative freedom in how you build your character. Even then, there is no ‘best’ ruleset as it depends a lot on the scale and the concept of the game you’d like to play.

What follows are some rulesets that might be useful depending on what you’re going for. I’m not personally familiar with all of them.

GW Rules:


+Great for skirmish level games

+Narrative gameplay

+Conceptual freedom

+Extensive list of scenario’s, special rules, etc.

+Basic rules fairly simple

+Campaign rules

-Rules spread out over many different books which can be expensive

-Can be considered a bit bloated, may require a lot of looking up depending on how familiar everyone is

Kill Team

+Great for skirmish level games

+Basic rules fairly simple

-Somewhat restricted as to character creation and customization

Blood Bowl

+Fairly simple to pick up and play, lots of narrative and strategic depth

+Campaign rules are great

+Amazing for a very specific type of scenario

-No guns

-Limited in kinds of scenario’s

Non-GW rules:


More info can be found on the unofficial Wiki page and in the Facebook group.

+Free/pay-what-you-want download

+Lots of creative freedom, modular character building

+Vehicle rules

+Supposedly easy to learn and plays quickly

-I don’t know a lot about it, nor have I playtested it


+It’s Frostgrave in space

-It isn’t even out yet!

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