Chaos cultists, demons & rogue AI

“The righteous need not be deceived by the supposed progress brought by our so-called benefactors. Though the song of yesterday fades into the challenge of tomorrow, Our God-Emperor still watches and judges us. Evil lurks in the Hive-Net as it lurked in the streets of yesteryear. But it was never the streets that were evil.”

Manic street preacher, Cult of the Golden Throne

With the Imperium and it’s Inquisition and Ecclesiarchy out of the picture, the situation in the cities has changed. Though the T’au have grown somewhat familiar with the nature of the Warp, they are not as well attuned to possible warning signs and the way these cults operate. Due to newfound liberties on the planet, cults have an easier time operating somewhat publicly, as long as they are able to keep their larger goals somewhat secret and outwardly pretend to follow the laws. Tzeentchian cults will probably be better at this, but who’s to say that the cannibalism practiced by Flesheater Cults is a heretical act, when one of the most trusted T’au client races, the Kroot, resort to it?

In the Zone of Exclusion, some cults hold out, perhaps even ruling over a number of wellhidden communities. It is also not unreasonable to assume that there are more nefarious beings hidden in the countryside, such as a demonhost languishing in a former Inquisition black site, a daemoncorrupted AI that broke out of a secret research lab, or a crazed Xenos hybrid engineered by Yutau-Vejovani…

Mutation, whether caused by the warp or not, runs rife, whether it is in the slums of the Hive Sprawl, or the dark caverns of the wildlands, or the irradiated ruins of former hive cities and bombed-out manufaktora…

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Absolutely everything…

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